Saturday, March 5, 2011

Unacceptable Versions of Islam

So-called liberals are often found quoting the phrase ‘…version of Islam…’. What they mean by this phrase is that a certain group of people is promoting a certain interpretation of Islam which is not acceptable universally, by the mainstream or by they themselves.

The question stands, ‘Which version is acceptable to them?’

Many social issues have cropped up during the recent past in which the scholars of Islam have given out a unanimous juristic law, to which the so-called liberals remain tight-lipped and refuse eye contact. That is because in fact majority of the so-called liberals are atheists at heart but do not declare so publicly. It is certainly not of value to them what religion says regarding a certain matter. If the religious verdict matches their opinion, they would graciously quote religion to satisfy the masses. However, if the religious verdict does not match their desire, the fault is burdened upon wrong interpretation of Islam.

Take the recent example of the Mumtaz Qadri case; the security guard who shot dead Salman Taseer, Governor of Punjab, Pakistan, for attempting to meddle with the Blasphemy Law. All scholars had unanimously given the opinion that any person, Muslim or non-Muslim, who insults the Prophet of Islam is correctly liable to death penalty. However, this ruling did not hold back Salman Taseer, Sherry Rahman and others of their league to revise or hold back their opinion. On the other hand, when Mumtaz Qadri assassinated Salman Taseer, people of the same league were seen quoting selective incidents from the Islamic history of Prophet Muhammed SAW pardoning those who used to insult, tease or harm him, and preaching the merits of mercy, forgiveness and amnesty.

The so-called liberals would do a great mercy to the masses if they would simply become honest in their public statements. It would clear out a lot of confusion and ideological chaos. People would then know where their ideological mentors are coming from and make an informed opinion rather than a bluffed one.

Is honesty too difficult a virtue for the glamorously opinioned so-called liberals?

Unacceptable version of Islam theory should be replaced with Islam is unacceptable to me admittance. This small but daring honesty would race the society towards a decisive settlement instead of tossing to and fro on indecisive sea waves.

The concepts of Islam have become alien to us Muslims over the years of so-called liberalism frenzy. Consequently, the Islamic scholars are often cornered, hotly questioned and subtly harassed into taking an apologetic position on controversial religious issues. The media anchors question them with truth-extracting narrowed eyes and grim expressions, shooting questions from every angle and leaving no room for an ambiguous reply. Al’Hamd’o li’Allah, most of the genuine scholars make it to a genuine reply.

How about the same interrogation standard towards the so-called liberals and conveying honest dimensions to the masses?

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